I am a Lecturer at the School of Politics & International Relations and Deputy Director of the Australian Centre for Federalism at the Australian National University. I received my Ph.D. in Political Science from Texas A&M University, USA, and my M.Sc. in Political Science from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. From 2019-2022 I was a Postdoctoral Researcher in Political Economy at the University of Mannheim, Germany.
My research agenda focuses on comparative politics, with an emphasis on political institutions and political economy. My research addresses the institutional variations of democracies and their consequences on who gets to govern, how governments formulate and enact policies, and how governments come to an end. In my recent projects, I examine the dynamics of coalition governance in both presidential and parliamentary democracies and their impact on party competition, voter behaviour, and opposition behaviour. Additionally, I am currently conducting research on how voters form their perceptions of political parties' policy positions and what types of events shape these perceptions, with a forthcoming co-authored book on the topic with David Fortunato (UCSD) and Laron Williams (University of Missouri) to be published by Cambridge University Press. My work has been published or is forthcoming in prestigious academic journals such as the American Political Science Review, the Journal of Politics, the European Journal of Political Research, Political Science Research and Methods, Legislative Studies Quarterly and others.
On this website you can find an overview of my published and current research, teaching materials, and scripts for both R and LaTeX. Here are the links to my CV and my Google Scholar page.
2024. Thiago Nascimento da Silva.
E-mail: Thiago.Silva@anu.edu.au